Streamlining Textbook Assistance Application Processing

At the beginning of each school year, families in public schools across several states are are charged fees to rent textbooks, which tend to increase the higher the grade. According to Indiana Public Media, textbook rental fees cost parents on average cost about $100 per child in that state. According to the Education Commission of the States (ECS), the following states permit school districts to charge fees for textbook rentals: Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. Security deposits are permitted in Michigan, North Dakota and Rhode Island. If you are a school administrator in...

Making the Dreaded Administrative Review a Breeze

How did your last administrative review go? Was it painful or a breeze? For most schools it’s a struggle to produce meal application documentation when the auditors arrive. Some students have multiple last names and paper gets misfiled or lost for a variety of reasons. Has this happened to you? If so, or if you’re due for an audit, RocketScan may be the answer to your woes. Instant Retrieval & Auditor Self-Service RocketScan allows you to search and retrieve meal applications and other student documentation with only a few keystrokes. Simply type in names, dates, and schools and the document you seek...
